About Jonathan K. Patterson

About Jonathan K. Patterson

Jonathan K. Patterson, known by his teammates as Jon, was born and raised in Georgetown, TX, just 30 minutes north of Austin. While he lived in Georgetown, he played soccer in just about every indoor and outdoor league in and around Austin. He would play anywhere, anytime, with anyone!

For Jonathan, soccer was more than just a sport, it was his social outlet, his favorite form of exercise, and a great way to relieve stress. Through soccer he created a community of people, always welcoming new members into the fold, that could celebrate their wins and losses, on and off the field, together.

Not only did Jonathan eat, sleep, and breathe soccer, he also worked with the telecommunications team that ran data lines through Q2 stadium leaving his blood, sweat and tears in the stands where he’d later cheer on Austin’s very own MLS team, Austin FC. Win or lose, he cheered on what was the newest addition to our ever growing Austin soccer community.

On May 20, 2022, family and friends gathered together and took to the pitch for a soccer pick-up match to celebrate the life of Jonathan Kyle Patterson. Players filled 2 fields, while spectators gathered on the sideline for what would be our first ever soccer pick-up match to honor the teammate we lost. That match is what inspired us to organize the Just Keep Playing Memorial Tournament.

Jonathan passed away on May 12, 2022 shortly after being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus, an autoimmune disease that can affect the joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs. While there is no cure for lupus, current treatments can improve quality of life by controlling symptoms and minimizing flare-ups. Lupus can be difficult to diagnose, taking on average 6 years from the time a person first notices symptoms, as those symptoms can mimic other illnesses.

To learn more about Lupus and understand how it may affect you or those you love, please go to Lupus Foundation of America. Understanding autoimmune diseases and how they affect the body can help those affected reach a diagnosis and receive treatment earlier.

The Spirit of Jon

On the field Jonathan was known for having a light hearted and positive attitude, always working to bring people together to play as a team. He recognized players strengths and weaknesses and helped individuals to gain confidence and improve their skills, while helping the team come together as a whole.

Jonathan was a coach, both on and off the field. Individuals who bring the “Spirit of Jon” to the pitch during the tournament will be recognized for doing just that! Teams will be made up of everyone from seasoned players to newbies looking for a safe place to learn more about soccer.

We ask that everyone embraces the ‘Spirit of Jon’ by keeping a positive attitude, encouraging and coaching their teammates, and making sure that everyone feels welcome and can share in what we know will be an amazing experience for all. This goes for players on the field and spectators on the sideline.